Sam “Switchback” Flip-flops on Immigration

July 29, 2007

Illegal Immigrants Register to Vote

May 17, 2007

An example of what will continue to happen should Sam Brownback become President.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hundreds of illegal immigrants have registered to vote in Bexar County in recent years and dozens of them have actually cast ballots, canceling out the votes of U.S. citizens, 1200 WOAI news will report Thursday morning.

Figures obtained by 1200 WOAI news shows 303 illegals successfully registered to vote, and at least 41 cast ballots in various elections.

Bexar County Elections Administrator Jackie Callanan confirmed the figures, but she says a new form of voter registration card, which requires people to swear they are citizens when they register, should help cut the problem, because people who vote illegally can be charged with perjury.

And the county has some sly ways to catch them.

“Maybe they have received a jury summons, the jury wheel relies on registered voters. They send a statement to the jury room that says they are not U.S. citizens and then we get that report immediately,” Callanan says.

It’s a hot issue in the Texas Legislature, where republicans are pushing a bill that would require voters to show some form of identification before voting.

“Considering that a photo ID is required to buy Sudafed, I can’t understand why anyone would argue that the same standard, if not a higher standard, should apply to voting,” Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst said. “Why would any Texan oppose legislation that ensures only U.S. citizens vote in elections?”

While not taking a position on the legislation, Callanan warned that any law that required that people present ID at the polling place might actually discourage people from voting.

“It will be cumbersome to have them presented at the polls,” she said. “The lines will be longer. It will require an additional check.”

Some Democrats in the Legislature have fought the proposal, saying it would keep the poor and minorities, who generally vote Democratic, away from the polls. A key Democratic Senator and Dewhurst got into an argument on the floor of the Senate over the emotional issue.

Callanan says if an ID law is approved, she hopes a process is in place to allow the Secretary of State, not the individual poll judges at the polling places, to inspect the identification and certify that a voter is fit to vote.

Dewhurst says the legislation has been rewritten to make it as easy as possible for a person to prove their legal citizenship.
“Voters can now present military ID, valid employee ID, citizenship certificate, passport, student ID card, handgun permit, utility bill, bank statement, pay stub, mail from a government entity, marriage license, birth certificate, adoption certificate, pilot’s license, hunting license, or even a library card,” Dewhurst said. “What’s so hard about this?”

Brownback’s Website Still Missing Stance on Immigration

April 21, 2007

Sam Brownback has been an official candidate for months, and his Web site has gone through a slew of changes.  Interestingly enough however, there is still nothing on the site about his stance on Immigration.

With Immigration one of the most important issues of the day, and one that will surely come up as the race continues, how can there be no mention of it?  Sam Brownback clearly has intelligent people working for his campaign, and it seems they’ve decided the best way to avoid Brownback’s atrocious voting record on illegal immigration is to not mention it and hope people forget about it.

Below is a screenshot taken directly from the Brownback campaign website.  Notice that even with 15 Issues listed, there is no mention at all of Illegal Immigration, a vitally important campaign issue.


Brownback Flip-Flops on Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

April 3, 2007

Only a couple of short years ago, Sam Brownback was interviewed by John Hawkins from Right Wing News.  Hawkins asked Senator Brownback what his stance was on illegal immigration and whether or not he supported Amnesty for illegal aliens.  Brownback said he did not.

John Hawkins: Now, would it be beneficial in your opinion to get it down by just simply making them citizens?

Sam Brownback: I don’t think anybody’s looking at that and I’m not familiar with individuals in the Republican party that are looking at a system like what President Reagan did, where he just granted a blanket amnesty.

Here we see Sam Brownback say very clearly that he is not examining a blanket amnesty proram for illegals.  The full interview can be viewed here.

Fast forward only one short year, and Brownback co-sponsored S. 2611.  The bill would grant blanket amnesty to most illegal aliens and was co-sponsored by Ted Kennedy.  It can be viewed here

For all of the accusations of “flip-flopping” that Brownback supporters dump on Mitt Romney, it seems that Sam Brownback is not immune either.

America in 10 years?

March 26, 2007

The guys over at New Republicans captured this screen shot from a Fed Ex advertisement.  Is this a taste of things to come if Sam Brownback were elected President?

Brownback has made his position quite clear on offering amnesty for illegal immigrants.  With U.S. politicians unwilling to propose rational solutions to illegal immigration, all we can expect over the next few years is a continued break down in a common culture and language.

Perhaps this will serve as a wakeup call to those who are considering Sam Brownback for President in 2008.


Illegal Immigrants Kill More Americans than the Iraq War

March 22, 2007

According to a study released last month, illegal aliens are responsible for approximately 15% of murders each year.  2,158 Americans are estimated as being killed by people here illegally.

“The report from Family Security Matters estimates that the 267,000 illegal aliens currently incarcerated in the nation are responsible for nearly 1,300,000 crimes, ranging from drug arrests to rape and murder.”  According to Mike Cutler, former INS special agent, “such statistics debunk the claim that illegal immigration is a victimless crime.”

The story can be viewed here

Even Brownback supporters will have to admit that the problems on immigration continue to add up.  His voting record is attrocious and he needs to be held accountable.

Conservaties Discover Brownback’s Record on Immigration

March 15, 2007

This past month, Sam Brownback spoke at “Conservatism on Tap,” a gathering of D.C. political junkies hosted by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute.  Present were individuals from the American Conservative Student Union who passed out flyers informing the public of Brownback’s attrocious stance on illegal immigration.  The PDF file can be viewed here.

Immigration “By the Numbers”

March 12, 2007

Roy Beck, journalist and public policy analyst gives information on immigration that should leave you nothing short of speechless.

It is really profound when the issue is broken down piece by piece.  If this video doesn’t make you reconsider your support for Sam Brownback, nothing will.

Amnesty Sam (Part 1)

March 8, 2007

Brownback Speaking at the National Council of La Raza

According to Sam Brownback: “A lot of the future of the Republican Party will be appealing to Hispanic voters, a number of whom have very consistent values with the base of the party. But we’ve got to convince people that we want them. People do not see the immigration debate as something where we’re appealing to Hispanic voters. That’s why I went to the La Raza convention and spoke. We want Hispanic voters. But you’ve got to fight for voters.”

For someone who is suddenly claiming to be tough on immigration enforcement (although his campaign website only mentions immigration under the section “Hispanics”), one may wonder why Senator Sam Brownback was given an award from the National Council of La Raza, one of the largest advocates of amnesty and open borders. An organization with a name that literally means “the race.”

While Sam Brownback likes to talk about his “tough” stance on border security, his record on this issue gives every indication that he will only exacerbate the overarching problem of mass immigration – of which illegal immigration is a symptom.

In a multi-part series, I will be addressing the full extent of Sam Brownback’s immigration position. I will put his immigration stance up against congressional testimony and studies by top experts, his past voting record, and other relevant sources. You will discover some rather shocking information about the man some call “Amnesty Sam.” For example, Brownback voted for an amendment to 2. 2611 (co-sponsored by Ted Kennedy) which required consultation with Mexico before constructing any additional fencing.

Stay tuned for more information on Sam Brownback and immigration.

Americans for Better Immigration Gives Brownback a “D” Grade.

March 6, 2007

Sam Brownback received a grade of “D” from Americans for Better Immigration.  The organization is a non-profit, non-partisan group which lobbies members of Congress in order to bring about reductions in Immigration numbers.  Sam Brownback’s score of “D” can be examined in detail here.

One major point to consider is Sam Brownback’s vote to reward illegal aliens with amnesty.  Senate bill S. 2611 would grant amnesty for 10.2 million illegal aliens.  National security is (or at least should be,) one of the most important issues of the day.  How can Sam Brownback or his supporters continue to claim that this mindset is acceptable?  The United States was formed as a nation based upon laws.  It seems now however that we’ve become a nation based only upon convenience.