Brownback’s Website Still Missing Stance on Immigration

Sam Brownback has been an official candidate for months, and his Web site has gone through a slew of changes.  Interestingly enough however, there is still nothing on the site about his stance on Immigration.

With Immigration one of the most important issues of the day, and one that will surely come up as the race continues, how can there be no mention of it?  Sam Brownback clearly has intelligent people working for his campaign, and it seems they’ve decided the best way to avoid Brownback’s atrocious voting record on illegal immigration is to not mention it and hope people forget about it.

Below is a screenshot taken directly from the Brownback campaign website.  Notice that even with 15 Issues listed, there is no mention at all of Illegal Immigration, a vitally important campaign issue.


5 Responses to Brownback’s Website Still Missing Stance on Immigration

  1. Kyle says:

    And people are surprised by this why?

    Brownback is smart I’ll give him that. He knows he is done for if the voters learn the truth about his stance on illegal immigration. His voting record truly disgusts me.

  2. Tyler says:

    Been waiting for an update, good to see one. Building on what was said above, there really should not be any surprise that Brownback is afraid to talk about immigration. The votes he has made is nothing short of treasonous. He is basically guaranteeing that the U.S. will be overrun by illegal immigrants within the next 20 years. No self respecting conservative should consider voting for him.

  3. TD says:

    Brownback is alright. Get over the illegal immigration. We would all being coming over here to get jobs for our families no matter if it was legal or not. You’d be a liar to say otherwise. We will need the mirgrants in the future for our defense against the terrorist since we won’t fight them over there.

  4. Lynne says:

    Get over it, TD? You couldn’t be an American taxpayer or do you enjoy picking up the social/financial tabs of schooling, medical, imprisonment, crime, language chaos and diseases that the 12+ million uninvited aliens in our country cause every minute of every day? And it isn’t just Mexicans. Let’s connect the dots from Paris, France to Detroit, Michigan. Years ago, Senator Spencer Abrams, with heavy Middle Eastern ties, opened the door to four million Muslims that immigrated to Detroit and other cities in America. Today in America, hundreds of mosques point toward Mecca and are built with Saudi oil money. Detroit now has Muslim prayer calls sent over the city loud speakers five times a day–driving American citizens from Hamtramck, Dearborn and other suburbs of Detroit. How about the 1,500 Chinese that were caught crossing our southern borders just last year?
    Think they are all coming for the American dream like our ancestors who joyfully completed the legal immigration process to become full fledged citizens? If you think that, you are truly as ignorant as Sam Brownback who by the way is planning on expiditing thousands of Mexicans into Kansas as soon as he and the idiots in Washington vote their amnesty in. Since Kansas farms are mostly family owned and operated, Brownback’s buddies, the big corporate farming interests, poised to take over, will have no limit on cheap labor.

  5. Really Right says:

    Lynne and TD:
    I see both of your points, but let’s be realists as well as conservatives. While I am not in favor of illegal immigration and have seen our jobs and economy suffer because of it, I do not believe it is a position that any of our candidates will win for conservatism. There are too many illegals in our country already and it is impossible to totally control all of our borders without putting even more of a financial strain on our country that we can’t afford. I also agree with TD in that generally even a bad dog won’t bite the hand that feeds it, and we are going to need a lot of dog packs to fight the rabid terrorists that are sure to show up in our country. By the way, what business we aren’t giving the Chinese, French, Middle East (and Europeans) in our own country, we are rapidly sending over to them in other ways thanks to our current President who I voted for and thought was our protector.
    It’s a no-win situation in my opinion and one that will be lost no matter who wins the Presidency. Overall, this is the only issue I see as a weak point with Brownback and the other candidates have more weak points than I can count. Let’s face it – no one in the political arena can be totally trusted to satisfy all conservative issues because deep down everyone has their own personal agenda that will in some measure supercede the overall good of our country.

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