
This page is a vehicle to post comments about Sam Brownback and his run for the Presidency.  Comments can also be posted about each individual post on the main page.  All comments are moderated for appropriateness and profanity.

14 Responses to Comments

  1. Jason says:

    Wow. It is great to see a conservative show people the truth about where brownback stands on immigration, one of the most important issues of the day. Brownback needs to get with the program.

  2. curiousconservative says:

    This website does not properly represent Senator Brownback’s views on immigration, period. He voted for the fence, opposes amnesty, and favors workplace enforcement to make certain that anyone hired for a job must have a valid Social Security number.

    You are wrong in your efforts to tear down Senator Brownback, a pro-life, pro-growth, pro-family hero. And it is clear that you are a shill for the Romney campaign in all likelihood.

    Have some courage and identify who are for your site visitors to see. Coward.

  3. Conservatives Against Brownback says:

    Mr. “Curious Conservative,”

    I can assure you that this site is in no way a “shill for the Romney campaign,” as you put it. That will be evident in a few days. For the mean time though, you’ll just have to trust me.

  4. Joseph says:

    uh dude, what re you talking about? Saying Brownback opposed amnesty either means you like to lie, or you have no idea what you’re saying. The site has it right on its, “on the issues page.” It’s bill S2611. He blatently supports amnest for illegal immigrants. Just admit that Brownback sold you out on immigration. Geez.

  5. Spencer says:

    How you can attack a candidate with a solid rating from the ACU and a solid review from The Club for Growth is beyond me.

  6. Levi says:

    “you’ll just have to trust me.”


    Who are you? Who are you for? What are your sources? Why so vague? And why are you just focussing on the negative aspects of candidates? Everyone has opinions, and a blog is an excellent way to display yours, but what’s the point? I could start and voice my opinions, but that doesn’t make me right. I’m just a 24 year old Virginia boy who loves America, his family, and his freedom.

    now who are you, besides just “conservative”?

  7. Conservatives Against Brownback says:


    It is a great thing that you love America, your family, and your freedom. I am doing my best to ensure that Sam Brownback does not get elected, so you can continue to love those things. Thanks for the comment, enjoy the site.

  8. John says:

    It is clearly evident that you present absolutly no factual support for your position, Brownback is a great Senator and if possible will make a great president ial nominee. You want to see romney as presdient. Let me tell you, if you are comfortable with a man that claims to be a lifetime hunter, while only hunting twice; switching positions conveniently before a presidential election on abortion, a life or death issue; and one who can’t figure out where he stands on gay rights– than Mitt romeny is your canidate! At least Brownback has a record of conservatism, family values and an patriotism. And you should also take a look at: Gov. Huckabee and Rep. Hunter.

  9. Conservatives Against Brownback says:


    Apparently you haven’t glanced a few inches to the right of the page and seen the, “Conservatives Against Romney,” link.

    Nice try.

  10. Ali Akbar says:

    interesting, real interesting…. you guys are fighting the most Conservative canidate 🙂

  11. Travis says:

    Most conservative? Ali what have you been smoking? Conservatives shouldn’t want their country to allow 12 million illegal immigrants across their borders.

  12. kelly rose says:

    you can fool some of the conservatives some of the time and any liberal anytime, but you can’t fool all of the conservatives all of the time… brownback boring? how not true.

  13. Ali Akbar says:

    I don’t smoke. However, you did make me choke on my water. Did you really just suggest that an Immigration stance that is taken for a political basis (this President is the leader of your party, thus forming the platform) by a Politician makes him less of the most Conservative person running?

    It’s a comparative statement.

    I want to point out:
    a) None of the Republican Candidates are for illegal immigrants crossing over
    b) 12 million, 12.4 million, 3000 – it doesn’t matter – I would have went for the shock value of 25 million
    c) No one can say what a Conservative SHOULD or SHOULD NOT want. Conservatism is built on an ideology and philosophy on life – not policy.

    Yes MOST Conservative Candidate to date. Period.

    I enjoyed this.

    Ali A. Akbar
    Blogs4McCain Contributor

  14. Rick says:

    What does Bexar County, Texas, got to do with a U.S. Senator from Kansas

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